
At the beginning, it is necessary to ensure access to the platform for users. User registration in the system is performed exclusively by the platform administrator or Root Admin.

After the user is registered by the Root Admin, in order to be able to manage entities within the system, it is necessary to have certain rights. Mainflux uses roles to control permissions for entities at two levels: at the Organization level and at the Group level.

More information about creating a user can be found at Users API.


Roles determine the permissions a User has within an Organization or Group. Below are the predefined roles in the system:


  • Can only view entities (read-only access).
  • Applies to both Organization and Group levels.


  • Can create, delete, and view entities within the Organization or Group (more details are in the table below).


  • Has all the permissions of an editor.
  • Can assign and unassign Members to the Organization or Group.


  • Has all the permissions of an admin.
  • Has access to all entities within the Organization or Group they own.

Root Admin#

  • Has all permissions across all Organizations and Groups (and entities within them).
  • Acts as the primary administrator for the entire platform.

Although these roles are the same for an Organization and a Group, they operate completely separately at those levels, which means that one User can have different roles in an Organization and a Group within that Organization.

Org Members#

When a logged-in User creates an Organization, they become the Owner of that Organization. Within it, they can add other registered users by assigning them appropriate roles defined in the table above.

Unlike an Admin of the Organization, an Owner has full rights over the entities within their Organization, meaning they can manage Groups and entities in Groups without an explicit Group membership.

For a simpler understanding of access control in an Org, the table below provides a clear overview:

Operation Viewer Editor Admin Owner Root Admin
View Org
Update Org
Delete Org
Assign/Unassign Members
Create Groups

The operation 'Create Org' is omitted from the table because every registered (and logged-in) user has the right to do so.

An example of assigning Members to an Organization can be found at Org Members API.

Examples of unauthorized access#

Let's imagine that we have one Organization and four Members of that Organization with different roles:

org_id member_id role
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 3f3f9cc2-1a84-40cd-a7fb-02d9c5e1e5c8 viewer
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 6b9e77a1-22f8-4e72-b2f3-122ad8b37f48 editor
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 c9b8f7d5-8143-47b4-9d72-f83d3f73834e admin
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 f1c6e7b3-4b29-496a-810b-bf7397dc3842 owner
  • If a Viewer tries to create a Group within that Organization, they will receive a message indicating that the creation has failed:

{"error": "failed to perform authorization over the entity"}

  • In the second case, if a Viewer or Editor tries to invite new users to the Organization, they will also get the above error message.
  • Next case, if an Admin attempts to access entities within that Organization's Groups (of which they are not a Member), access will also be denied with an authorization failure message.
  • The same error message will be received if the Owner, or any other Organization Member who is not a Root Admin, tries to access an Organization in which they are not Members.

Group Members#

In order to enable the correct management of the entities within the Group, the rights that the members have over these entities are checked. Rights over entities are defined based on the role in the Group in which they belong.

As previously emphasized, roles in an Organization and roles in a Group are independent and don't affect each other, which means that if a User is a Viewer in an Organization and a Group Admin adds them to the Group as an Editor, they will have higher rights in the Group than the rights they have in the Organization.

By creating a Group, the User becomes its Owner and has the rights defined in the table.

For a simpler understanding of access control in a Group, the table below provides a clear overview:

Operation Viewer Editor Admin Owner Root Admin
View Group
Update Group
Delete Group
Assign/Unassign Members
Create Group Entities
View Group Entities
Update Group Entities
Delete Group Entities

The 'Create Group' operation is omitted from the table because the rights are defined in the Org table, where it can be clearly seen that everyone except the Organization Viewer can create a Group.

If we keep the data from the previous table and expand it with new data by creating Groups within the Organization and assigning Group roles to the existing members of the Organization, the additional table would look like this:

org_id group_id member_id role
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 9f8e7a61-d34e-4a7a-9836-df8c3f54d3a1 3f3f9cc2-1a84-40cd-a7fb-02d9c5e1e5c8 editor
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 15ee88e2-3632-41fb-acfa-2625645a2b8d 6b9e77a1-22f8-4e72-b2f3-122ad8b37f48 viewer
550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000 565ddcfb-bf64-4e6b-80ac-371516bd0e01 c9b8f7d5-8143-47b4-9d72-f83d3f73834e admin

We can notice that the User who has the role of Viewer in the Organization now has the role of Editor in the group with ID 9f8e7a61-d34e-4a7a-9836-df8c3f54d3a1. This means that the User now has all the rights provided by that role.

On the other hand, the User with ID 6b9e77a1-22f8-4e72-b2f3-122ad8b37f48 who is an Organization Editor now has the Group's Viewer role. Therefore, that Member has no rights in the Group other than viewing.

Since the Admin of the Organization is also the Admin of the Group with ID 565ddcfb-bf64-4e6b-80ac-371516bd0e01, it means that they have the same rights.

Based on the above examples of unauthorized access within the Organization, the same rules are applied within the Group based on the roles of the Members.

In addition to the basic access rights that apply to Members, note the case of Thing creation. When creating a Thing, it needs to be assigned a specific Profile by specifying its ID. The Profile being assigned and the Thing must belong to the same Group.

An example of assigning Members to a Group can be found at Group Members API.