
Mainflux IoT platform provides services for supporting management of devices on the edge. Typically, IoT solution includes devices (sensors/actuators) deployed in far edge and connected through some proxy gateway. Although most devices could be connected to the Mainflux directly, using gateways decentralizes system, decreases load on the cloud and makes setup less difficult. Also, gateways can provide additional data processing, filtering and storage.

Services that can be used on gateway to enable data and control plane for edge:

Figure 1 - Edge services deployment

Figure shows edge gateway that is running Agent, Export and minimal deployment of Mainflux services. Mainflux services enable device management and MQTT protocol, NATS being a central message bus in Mainflux becomes also central message bus for other services like Agent and Export as well as for any new custom developed service that can be built to interface with devices with any of hardware supported interfaces on the gateway, those services would publish data to NATS where Export service can pick them up and send to cloud.

Agent can be used to control deployed services as well as to monitor their liveliness through subcribing to heartbeat NATS subject where services should publish their liveliness status, like Export service does.


Agent is service that is used to manage gateways that are connected to Mainflux in cloud. It provides a way to send commands to gateway and receive response via mqtt. There are two types of channels used for Agent data and control. Over the control we are sending commands and receiving response from commands. Data collected from sensors connected to gateway are being sent over data channel. Agent is able to configure itself provided that bootstrap server is running, it will retrieve configuration from bootstrap server provided few arguments - external_id and external_key see bootstraping.

Agent service has following features: * Remote execution of commands * Remote terminal, remote session to bash managed by Agent * Heartbeat - listening to NATS topic heartbeat.> it can remotely provide info on running services, if services are publishing heartbeat ( like Export) * Proxying commands to other gateway services * Edgex SMA - remotely making requests to EdgeX endpoints and fetching results, if EdgeX is deployed.

Run Agent#

Before running agent we need to provision a thing and DATA and CONTROL channel. Thing that will be used as gateway representation and make bootstrap configuration. If using Mainflux UI this is done automatically when adding gateway through UI. Gateway can be provisioned with provision service.

When you provisioned gateway as described in provision you can check results

curl -s -S -X GET http://mainflux-domain.com:8202/things/bootstrap/<external_id> -H "Authorization: Thing <external_key>" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' |jq
  "mainflux_id": "e22c383a-d2ab-47c1-89cd-903955da993d",
  "mainflux_key": "fc987711-1828-461b-aa4b-16d5b2c642fe",
  "mainflux_channels": [
      "id": "fa5f9ba8-a1fc-4380-9edb-d0c23eaa24ec",
      "name": "control-channel",
      "metadata": {
        "type": "control"
      "id": "24e5473e-3cbe-43d9-8a8b-a725ff918c0e",
      "name": "data-channel",
      "metadata": {
        "type": "data"
      "id": "1eac45c2-0f72-4089-b255-ebd2e5732bbb",
      "name": "export-channel",
      "metadata": {
        "type": "export"
  "content": "{\"agent\":{\"edgex\":{\"url\":\"http://localhost:48090/api/v1/\"},\"heartbeat\":{\"interval\":\"30s\"},\"log\":{\"level\":\"debug\"},\"mqtt\":{\"mtls\":false,\"qos\":0,\"retain\":false,\"skip_tls_ver\":true,\"url\":\"tcp://mainflux-domain.com:1883\"},\"server\":{\"nats_url\":\"localhost:4222\",\"port\":\"9000\"},\"terminal\":{\"session_timeout\":\"30s\"}},\"export\":{\"exp\":{\"cache_db\":\"0\",\"cache_pass\":\"\",\"cache_url\":\"localhost:6379\",\"log_level\":\"debug\",\"nats\":\"nats://localhost:4222\",\"port\":\"8172\"},\"mqtt\":{\"ca_path\":\"ca.crt\",\"cert_path\":\"thing.crt\",\"channel\":\"\",\"host\":\"tcp://mainflux-domain.com:1883\",\"mtls\":false,\"password\":\"\",\"priv_key_path\":\"thing.key\",\"qos\":0,\"retain\":false,\"skip_tls_ver\":false,\"username\":\"\"},\"routes\":[{\"mqtt_topic\":\"\",\"nats_topic\":\"channels\",\"subtopic\":\"\",\"type\":\"mfx\",\"workers\":10},{\"mqtt_topic\":\"\",\"nats_topic\":\"export\",\"subtopic\":\"\",\"type\":\"default\",\"workers\":10}]}}"
  • external_id is usually MAC address, but anything that suits applications requirements can be used
  • external_key is key that will be provided to agent process
  • thing_id is mainflux thing id
  • channels is 2-element array where first channel is CONTROL and second is DATA, both channels should be assigned to thing
  • content is used for configuring parameters of agent and export service.

Then to start the agent service you can do it like this

git clone https://github.com/MainfluxLabs/agent
cd build

MF_AGENT_BOOTSTRAP_ID=34:e1:2d:e6:cf:03 ./mainflux-agent

{"level":"info","message":"Requesting config for 34:e1:2d:e6:cf:03 from http://localhost:8202/things/bootstrap","ts":"2019-12-05T04:47:24.98411512Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Getting config for 34:e1:2d:e6:cf:03 from http://localhost:8202/things/bootstrap succeeded","ts":"2019-12-05T04:47:24.995465239Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Connected to MQTT broker","ts":"2019-12-05T04:47:25.009645082Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Agent service started, exposed port 9000","ts":"2019-12-05T04:47:25.009755345Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Subscribed to MQTT broker","ts":"2019-12-05T04:47:25.012930443Z"}
  • MF_AGENT_BOOTSTRAP_KEY - is external_key in bootstrap configuration.
  • MF_AGENT_BOOSTRAP_ID - is external_id in bootstrap configuration.

Remote execution of commands via Agent#

# Set connection parameters as environment variables in shell
CH=`curl -s -S -X GET http://some-domain-name:8202/things/bootstrap/34:e1:2d:e6:cf:03 -H "Authorization: edged" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -r '.mainflux_channels[0].id'`
TH=`curl -s  -S -X GET http://some-domain-name:8202/things/bootstrap/34:e1:2d:e6:cf:03 -H "Authorization: edged" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -r .mainflux_id`
KEY=`curl -s  -S -X GET http://some-domain-name:8202/things/bootstrap/34:e1:2d:e6:cf:03 -H "Authorization: edged" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' | jq -r .mainflux_key`

# Subscribe for response
mosquitto_sub -d -u $TH -P $KEY  -t channels/$CH/messages/res/# -h some-domain-name -p 1883

# Publish command e.g `ls`
mosquitto_pub -d -u $TH -P $KEY  -t channels/$CH/messages/req -h some-domain-name -p 1883  -m '[{"bn":"1:", "n":"exec", "vs":"ls, -l"}]'

Remote terminal#

This can be checked from the UI, click on the details for gateway and below the gateway parameters you will se box with prompt, if agent is running and it is properly connected you should be able to execute commands remotely.


If there are services that are running on same gateway as agent and they are publishing heartbeat to NATS subject heartbeat.service_name.service You can get the list of services by sending following mqtt message

# View services that are sending heartbeat
mosquitto_pub -d -u $TH -P $KEY  -t channels/$CH/messages/req -h some-domain-name -p 1883  -m '[{"bn":"1:", "n":"service", "vs":"view"}]'

Response can be observed on channels/$CH/messages/res/#

Proxying commands#

You can send commands to services running on the same edge gateway as Agent if they are subscribed on same NATS server and correct subject.

Service commands are being sent via MQTT to topic:


when messages is received Agent forwards them to NATS on subject:


Payload is up to the application and service itself.


Edgex control messages are sent and received over control channel. MF sends a control SenML of the following form:

[{"bn":"<uuid>:", "n":"control", "vs":"<cmd>, <param>, edgexsvc1, edgexsvc2, …, edgexsvcN"}}]

For example,

[{"bn":"1:", "n":"control", "vs":"operation, stop, edgex-support-notifications, edgex-core-data"}]

Agent, on the other hand, returns a response SenML of the following form:

[{"bn":"<uuid>:", "n":"<>", "v":"<RESP>"}]

Remote Commands#

EdgeX defines SMA commands in the following RAML file

Commands are:

  • PING


mosquitto_pub -u <thing_id> -P <thing_key> -t channels/<channel_id>/messages/req -h localhost -m '[{"bn":"1:", "n":"control", "vs":"edgex-operation, start, edgex-support-notifications, edgex-core-data"}]'


mosquitto_pub -u <thing_id> -P <thing_key> -t channels/<channel_id>/messages/req -h localhost -m '[{"bn":"1:", "n":"control", "vs":"edgex-config, edgex-support-notifications, edgex-core-data"}]'


mosquitto_pub -u <thing_id> -P <thing_key> -t channels/<channel_id>/messages/req -h localhost -m '[{"bn":"1:", "n":"control", "vs":"edgex-metrics, edgex-support-notifications, edgex-core-data"}]'

If you subscribe to

mosquitto_sub -u <thing_id> -P <thing_key> -t channels/<channel_id>/messages/#

You can observe commands and response from commands executed against edgex

[{"bn":"1:", "n":"control", "vs":"edgex-metrics, edgex-support-notifications, edgex-core-data"}]                                                                            


Mainflux Export service can send message from one Mainflux cloud to another via MQTT, or it can send messages from edge gateway to Mainflux Cloud. Export service is subscribed to local message bus and connected to MQTT broker in the cloud.
Messages collected on local message bus are redirected to the cloud. When connection is lost, if QoS2 is used, messages from the local bus are stored into file or in memory to be resent upon reconnection. Additonaly Export service publishes liveliness status to Agent via NATS subject heartbeat.export.service


Get the code:

go get github.com/MainfluxLabs/export
cd $GOPATH/github.com/MainfluxLabs/export




cd build


By default Export service looks for config file at ../configs/config.toml if no env vars are specified.

  log_level = "debug"
  nats = "localhost:4222"
  port = "8170"

  username = "<thing_id>"
  password = "<thing_password>"
  ca_path = "ca.crt"
  client_cert = ""
  client_cert_key = ""
  client_cert_path = "thing.crt"
  client_priv_key_path = "thing.key"
  mtls = "false"
  priv_key = "thing.key"
  retain = "false"
  skip_tls_ver = "false"
  url = "tcp://mainflux.com:1883"

  mqtt_topic = "channel/<channel_id>/messages"
  subtopic = "subtopic"
  nats_topic = "export"
  type = "default"
  workers = 10

  mqtt_topic = "channel/<channel_id>/messages"
  subtopic = "subtopic"
  nats_topic = "channels"
  type = "mfx"
  workers = 10

Environment variables#

Service will first look for MF_EXPORT_CONFIG_FILE for configuration and if not found it will be configured with env variables and new config file specified with MF_EXPORT_CONFIG_FILE (default value will be used if none specified) will be saved with values populated from env vars.
The service is configured using the environment variables as presented in the table. Note that any unset variables will be replaced with their default values.

For values in environment variables to take effect make sure that there is no MF_EXPORT_CONFIG_FILE file.

If you run with environment variables you can create config file:

MF_EXPORT_MQTT_HOST=tcp://localhost:1883 \

Values from environment variables will be used to populate export.toml

Http port#

  • port - HTTP port where status of Export service can be fetched.
curl -X GET http://localhost:8170/health
'{"status": "pass", "version":"0.12.1", "commit":"57cca9677721025da055c47957fc3e869e0325aa" , "description":"export service", "build_time": "2022-01-19_10:13:17"}'

MQTT connection#

To establish connection to MQTT broker following settings are needed: - username - Mainflux - password - Mainflux - url - url of MQTT broker

Additionally, you will need MQTT client certificates if you enable mTLS. To obtain certificates ca.crt, thing.crt and key thing.key follow instructions here or here.


To setup MTLS connection Export service requires client certificate and mtls in config or MF_EXPORT_MQTT_MTLS must be set to true. Client certificate can be provided in a file, client_cert_path and client_cert_key_path are used for specifying path to certificate files. If MTLS is used and no certificate file paths are specified then Export will look in client_cert and client_cert_key of config file expecting certificate content stored as string.


Routes are being used for specifying which subscriber's topic(subject) goes to which publishing topic. Currently only MQTT is supported for publishing. To match Mainflux requirements mqtt_topic must contain channel/<channel_id>/messages, additional subtopics can be appended.

  • mqtt_topic - channel/<channel_id>/messages/<custom_subtopic>
  • nats_topic - Export service will be subscribed to NATS subject <nats_topic>.>
  • subtopic - messages will be published to MQTT topic <mqtt_topic>/<subtopic>/<nats_subject>, where dots in nats_subject are replaced with '/'
  • workers - specifies number of workers that will be used for message forwarding.
  • type - specifies message transformation:
    • default is for sending messages as they are received on NATS with no transformation (so they should be in SenML or JSON format if we want to persist them in Mainflux in cloud). If you don't want to persist messages in Mainflux or you are not exporting to Mainflux cloud - message format can be anything that suits your application as message passes untransformed.
    • mfx is for messages that are being picked up on internal Mainflux NATS bus. When using Export along with Mainflux deployed on gateway (Fig. 1) messages coming from MQTT broker that are published to NATS bus are Mainflux message. Using mfx type will extract payload and export will publish it to mqtt_topic. Extracted payload is SenML or JSON if we want to persist messages. nats_topic in this case must be channels, or if you want to pick messages from a specific channel in local Mainflux instance to be exported to cloud you can put channels.<local_mainflux_channel_id>.

Before running Export service edit configs/config.toml and provide username, password and url * username - matches thing_id in Mainflux cloud instance * password - matches thing_key * channel - MQTT part of the topic where to publish MQTT data (channel/<channel_id>/messages is format of mainflux MQTT topic) and plays a part in authorization.

If Mainflux and Export service are deployed on same gateway Export can be configured to send messages from Mainflux internal NATS bus to Mainflux in a cloud. In order for Export service to listen on Mainflux NATS deployed on the same machine NATS port must be exposed. Edit Mainflux docker-compose.yml. NATS section must look like below:

    image: nats:1.3.0
    container_name: mainflux-nats
    restart: on-failure
      - mainflux-base-net
      - 4222:4222

How to save config via agent#

Configuration file for Export service can be sent over MQTT using Agent service.

mosquitto_pub -u <thing_id> -P <thing_key> -t channels/<control_ch_id>/messages/req -h localhost -p 18831  -m  "[{\"bn\":\"1:\", \"n\":\"config\", \"vs\":\"save, export, <config_file_path>, <file_content_base64>\"}]"

vs="save, export, config_file_path, file_content_base64" - vs determines where to save file and contains file content in base64 encoding payload:

b,_ := toml.Marshal(export.Config)
payload := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(b)

Using configure script#

There is a configuration.sh script in a scripts directory that can be used for automatic configuration and start up of remotely deployed export. For this to work it is presumed that mainflux-export and scripts/export_start are placed in executable path on remote device. Additionally this script requires that remote device is provisioned following the steps described for provision service.

To run it first edit script to set parameters


EXTERNAL_KEY and EXTERNAL_ID are parameters posted to /mapping endpoint of provision service, MAINFLUX_HOST is location of cloud instance of Mainflux that export should connect to and MAINFLUX_USER_EMAIL and MAINFLUX_USER_PASSWORD are users credentials in the cloud.

Example deployment#

Edge deployment#

The following are steps that are an example usage of Mainflux components to connect edge with cloud. We will start Mainflux in the cloud with additional services Bootstrap and Provision. Using Bootstrap and Provision we will create a configuration for use in gateway deployment. On the gateway we will start services Agent and Export using previously created configuration.

Services in the cloud#

Start the Mainflux:

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up

Create user:

mainflux-cli -m http://localhost:8180 users create test@email.com 12345678

Obtain user token:

mainflux-cli -m http://localhost:8180 users token test@email.com 12345678

created: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1ODk5MDQ4MDQsImlhdCI6MTU4OTg2ODgwNCwiaXNzIjoibWFpbmZsdXguYXV0aG4iLCJzdWIiOiJ0ZXN0QGVtYWlsLmNvbSIsInR5cGUiOjB9.VSwpGoflOLqrHlCGoVVFPBdnnvsAhv2gc3EomXg9yM0


Provision a gateway:

curl -s -S  -X POST  http://localhost:8190/mapping -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H 'Content-Type: application/json'   -d '{"name":"testing",  "external_id" : "54:FG:66:DC:43", "external_key":"223334fw2" }' | jq
  "things": [
      "id": "88529fb2-6c1e-4b60-b9ab-73b5d89f7404",
      "name": "thing",
      "key": "3529c1bb-7211-4d40-9cd8-b05833196093",
      "metadata": {
        "external_id": "54:FG:66:DC:43"
  "channels": [
      "id": "1aa3f736-0bd3-44b5-a917-a72cc743f633",
      "name": "control-channel",
      "metadata": {
        "type": "control"
      "id": "e2adcfa6-96b2-425d-8cd4-ff8cb9c056ce",
      "name": "data-channel",
      "metadata": {
        "type": "data"
  "whitelisted": {
    "88529fb2-6c1e-4b60-b9ab-73b5d89f7404": true

Parameters and are representing the gateway. Provision will use them to create a bootstrap configuration that will make a relation with Mainflux entities used for connection, authentication and authorization thing and channel. These parameters will be used by Agent service on the gateway to retrieve that information and establish a connection with the cloud.

Services on the Edge#


Start the [NATS][nats] and Agent service:

MF_AGENT_BOOTSTRAP_URL=http://localhost:8202/things/bootstrap \
{"level":"info","message":"Requesting config for 54:FG:66:DC:43 from http://localhost:8202/things/bootstrap","ts":"2020-05-07T15:50:58.041145096Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Getting config for 54:FG:66:DC:43 from http://localhost:8202/things/bootstrap succeeded","ts":"2020-05-07T15:50:58.120779415Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Saving export config file /configs/export/config.toml","ts":"2020-05-07T15:50:58.121602229Z"}
{"level":"warn","message":"Failed to save export config file Error writing config file: open /configs/export/config.toml: no such file or directory","ts":"2020-05-07T15:50:58.121752142Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Client agent-88529fb2-6c1e-4b60-b9ab-73b5d89f7404 connected","ts":"2020-05-07T15:50:58.128500603Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"Agent service started, exposed port 9003","ts":"2020-05-07T15:50:58.128531057Z"}


git clone https://github.com/MainfluxLabs/export

Edit the configs/config.toml setting - username - thing from the results of provision request. - password - key from the results of provision request. - mqtt_topic - in routes set to channels/<channel_data_id>/messages from results of provision. - nats_topic - whatever you need, export will subscribe to export.<nats_topic> and forward messages to MQTT. - host - url of MQTT broker.

  cache_pass = ""
  cache_url = ""
  log_level = "debug"
  nats = "localhost:4222"
  port = "8170"

  ca_path = ""
  cert_path = ""
  host = "tcp://localhost:1883"
  mtls = false
  password = "3529c1bb-7211-4d40-9cd8-b05833196093"
  priv_key_path = ""
  qos = 0
  retain = false
  skip_tls_ver = false
  username = "88529fb2-6c1e-4b60-b9ab-73b5d89f7404"

  mqtt_topic = "channels/e2adcfa6-96b2-425d-8cd4-ff8cb9c056ce/messages"
  nats_topic = ">"
  workers = 10
cd build
2020/05/07 17:36:57 Configuration loaded from file ../configs/config.toml
{"level":"info","message":"Export service started, exposed port :8170","ts":"2020-05-07T15:36:57.528398548Z"}
{"level":"debug","message":"Client export-88529fb2-6c1e-4b60-b9ab-73b5d89f7404 connected","ts":"2020-05-07T15:36:57.528405818Z"}

Testing Export#

git clone https://github.com/nats-io/nats.go
cd github.com/nats-io/nats.go/examples/nats-pub
go run main.go -s http://localhost:4222 export.test "[{\"bn\":\"test\"}]";

We have configured route for export, nats_topic = ">" means that it will listen to NATS subject export.> and mqtt_topic is configured so that data will be sent to MQTT broker on topic channels/e2adcfa6-96b2-425d-8cd4-ff8cb9c056ce/messages with appended NATS subject.

In terminal where export is started you should see following message:

{"level":"debug","message":"Published to: export.test, payload: [{\"bn\":\"test\"}]","ts":"2020-05-08T15:14:15.757298992Z"}

In Mainflux mqtt service:

mainflux-mqtt   | {"level":"info","message":"Publish - client ID export-88529fb2-6c1e-4b60-b9ab-73b5d89f7404 to the topic: channels/e2adcfa6-96b2-425d-8cd4-ff8cb9c056ce/messages/export/test","ts":"2020-05-08T15:16:02.999684791Z"}