Getting Started#

Step 1 - Run the System#

Before proceeding, install the following prerequisites:

Once everything is installed, execute the following command from project root:

make run

This will start Mainflux docker composition, which will output the logs from the containers.

Step 2 - Install the CLI#

Open a new terminal from which you can interact with the running Mainflux system. The easiest way to do this is by using the Mainflux CLI, which can be downloaded as a tarball from GitHub (here we use release 0.12.1 but be sure to use the latest CLI release):

wget -O- | tar xvz -C $GOBIN

Make sure that $GOBIN is added to your $PATH so that mainflux-cli command can be accessible system-wide

Build mainflux-cli#

Build mainflux-cli if the pre-built CLI is not compatible with your OS, i.e MacOS. Please see the CLI for further details.

Step 3 - Provision the System#

Once installed, you can use the CLI to quick-provision the system for testing:

mainflux-cli provision test

This command actually creates a temporary testing user, logs it in, then creates two things and two profiles on behalf of this user. This quickly provisions a Mainflux system with one simple testing scenario.

Output of the command follows this pattern:

```json lines { "email": "", "password": "12345678" }


[ { "id": "b7bfc4b6-c18d-47c5-b343-98235c5acc19", "group_id":"737d2200-64a1-482f-839d-64906b0bd80e", "name": "p0" }, { "id": "378678cd-891b-4a39-b026-869938783f54", "group_id":"737d2200-64a1-482f-839d-64906b0bd80e", "name": "p1" } ]

[ { "id": "513d02d2-16c1-4f23-98be-9e12f8fee898", "group_id":"737d2200-64a1-482f-839d-64906b0bd80e", "profile_id":"b7bfc4b6-c18d-47c5-b343-98235c5acc19", "key": "69590b3a-9d76-4baa-adae-9b5fec0ea14f", "name": "d0", }, { "id": "bf78ca98-2fef-4cfc-9f26-e02da5ecdf67", "group_id":"737d2200-64a1-482f-839d-64906b0bd80e", "profile_id":"378678cd-891b-4a39-b026-869938783f54", "key": "840c1ea1-2e8d-4809-a6d3-3433a5c489d2", "name": "d1", } ]

In the Mainflux system terminal (where docker compose is running) you should see following logs:
mainflux-users  | {"level":"info","message":"Method register for user took 97.573974ms to complete without errors.","ts":"2019-01-08T22:16:20.745989495Z"}
mainflux-users  | {"level":"info","message":"Method login for user took 69.308406ms to complete without errors.","ts":"2019-01-08T22:16:20.820610461Z"}
mainflux-users  | {"level":"info","message":"Method identity for client took 50.903µs to complete without errors.","ts":"2019-01-08T22:16:20.822208948Z"}
mainflux-things | {"level":"info","message":"Method create_things for things [{513d02d2-16c1-4f23-98be-9e12f8fee898 737d2200-64a1-482f-839d-64906b0bd80e b7bfc4b6-c18d-47c5-b343-98235c5acc19 d0 69590b3a-9d76-4baa-adae-9b5fec0ea14f map[]},{bf78ca98-2fef-4cfc-9f26-e02da5ecdf67 737d2200-64a1-482f-839d-64906b0bd80e 378678cd-891b-4a39-b026-869938783f54 d1 840c1ea1-2e8d-4809-a6d3-3433a5c489d2 map[]}] took 4.865299ms to complete without errors.","ts":"2019-01-08T22:16:20.826786175Z"}


This proves that these provisioning commands were sent from the CLI to the Mainflux system.

Step 4 - Send Messages#

Once system is provisioned, a thing can start sending messages:

mainflux-cli messages send '[{"bn":"some-base-name:","bt":1.276020076001e+09, "bu":"A","bver":5, "n":"voltage","u":"V","v":120.1}, {"n":"current","t":-5,"v":1.2}, {"n":"current","t":-4,"v":1.3}]' <thing_key>

For example:

mainflux-cli messages send '[{"bn":"some-base-name:","bt":1.276020076001e+09, "bu":"A","bver":5, "n":"voltage","u":"V","v":120.1}, {"n":"current","t":-5,"v":1.2}, {"n":"current","t":-4,"v":1.3}]' 69590b3a-9d76-4baa-adae-9b5fec0ea14f

In the Mainflux system terminal you should see following logs:

mainflux-things | {"level":"info","message":"Method get_pub_conf_by_key for thing 513d02d2-16c1-4f23-98be-9e12f8fee898 took 1.410194ms to complete without errors.","ts":"2019-01-08T22:19:30.148097648Z"}
mainflux-http   | {"level":"info","message":"Method publish took 336.685µs to complete without errors.","ts":"2019-01-08T22:19:30.148689601Z"}

This proves that messages have been correctly sent through the system via the protocol adapter (mainflux-http).